Archive for May, 2010

Painting Angels

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

My studio partner Carrie and I sometimes call each other our angels. We are so lucky we found each other. We connect at the heart and love just sharing our energy.

Both of us have been so busy lately that we haven’t been spending much time at the studio. Today Carrie invited me over to her house for some good old fashioned painting. It’s always fun to paint with someone else. Sometimes it’s more social then productive, but I love it. I call days like this ‘a painting party’.

Carrie with her angel paintings (You can see more of Carrie’s work at

The Pear Workshop

Studio Day

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Today I painted two more paintings for my series of children in the snow: “Enjoying the Sun” and “Taking a Little Break”