This is my first full sheet watercolour painting 22×30 inches. My biggest painting is of the mountain peaks in Whistler, BC.
Below is another painting of Whistler mountains that I did this summer. It is a half sheet 15×22.
I am really excited to be making the leap to painting larger paintings. It was my goal this summer to explore my art and to push myself out of my comfort zone. I am very happy with the results, and the best part is that I wasn’t at all uncomfortable. It was fun and I’m looking forward to painting more big watercolours.
Kendra: I can’t believe that I am the FIRST to COMMENT on your exceptional artwork!! Your eye for color and design are outstanding!! I love your use of animated giff’s on your website:
(But, right now, I can’t afford your hourly charges)
Hi Love the picture do you sell your art. I am interested in painting of Whislter.